Thursday 15 April 2021

Friday, April 16th

Hi all,

We made it! Your child has certainly earned a well-deserved break. Today we made a pineapple cake to celebrate the end of term. It's simple if you want to make it at home. Just 2 cups self raising flour, one cup of sugar and a can of crushed pineapple. Mix well and put into cake tin. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. It's nice served hot with icecream. Stars of the Week were Joseph, Viral, Bahes, Pia, Sahar, Shuaib, Prisha and Leah. This week students wrote haiku poems. I have included those who published on this blog. Enjoy! Take care and I'll see you back at school on May 3rd.

Mr Henderson.

Thursday 8 April 2021

Friday, April 9th

Hi all,

We have reached the end of another week and lots of learning. In science, students learned about circuits and how electricity is conducted to make things work. They made their own simple circuits to operate LED lights (see photos below). There is just one more week to go till the April holidays. At this stage of the term children are tired and it often shows in their behaviour. Make sure they have time to unwind and relax this weekend. We are nearly there! Stars of the Week were Ayesha, Prisha, Juwairiah, Kiri and Mele.

Mr Henderson.