Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Friday, December 17th

Hi all,

This will be my final blog for 2021. I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done this year and for my time with your children. Every one of them has been amazing this year and I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching them. They are such enthusiastic learners with impeccable manners - a real credit to you as parents. I will miss them but know I will see them around school next year. Have a great Christmas and summer holiday with your families. I hope 2022 is a better year.

Mr Henderson.

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Friday, December 10th

Hi all,

Three days to go! Students of Room 15 have had another busy week full of Christmas art and craft activities. We finished the week today by making Christmas chocolate chip cookies - yum! Another highlight was the Rudolph masks they made. See photos below. 

If you haven't brought in your Secret Santa present please do so by the last day, December 15th. Any children who haven't brought their present won't receive their present.

Stars of the Week are Bahes, Prisha, Harsh, Sahar, Shalom and Alexander.

Have a great weekend in the sun.

Mr Henderson.

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Friday, December 3rd

Hi all,

Thanks for your time this week either on Zoom or over phone to talk about lockdown and your child's learning. I hope it was useful. 

It has been another busy week in Room 15. A highlight was learning about DNA in science - each child was a different animal on a make believe farm. They spread their 'DNA' then a pukeko (Sahar) spread hers while other students looked away. They were then given magnifying glasses to see where the pukeko went. Lots of fun! 

Our Christmas tree is also up for Secret Santa on the last day of school. Keep bringing in your presents and let me know if you want the tree as it's looking for a home on December 15th. See photos below. 

I can't believe there are only eight days of school left - let's make the most of every one. From Monday, class Zooms and Distance Learning will stop.

Stars of Week 7 were Aleena, Wil, Leah-Anela, Anthony, Sahar and Pia.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Henderson.

Thursday, 25 November 2021

Friday, November 26th

Hi all,

It was our first whole week back since the lockdown ended. Students have settled in quickly and have been working hard. A highlight of the week was pasta art - see photos below. Today was Pyjama Day which was also fun. Next week students will practice their speeches then present to the class. Can you please remind them to put this in their bag? Secret Santa presents can come in any time between now and the end of school, December 15th. Stars of the Week were Wil, Tobias, Harsh, Prisha and Shuiab.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Henderson.

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Friday, November 19th

Hi all,

It has been a busy week with most Room 15 students back at school and others doing distance learning at home. It has been nice to be in front of the students again and being back to some sense of normality. 

At school one of the highlights was making tangrams - a form of art that originated from China over 200 years ago. It's like a miniature jigsaw puzzle with seven different shapes interlocking to form a square. See photos below.

Stars of the week were Viral, Sahar, Wil, Pia, Kiri and Anthony.

Have a good weekend and I'll see you on Monday.

Mr Henderson.

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Friday, November 12th

Hi all,

Well, we finally have a date for school going back - November 17th. I am excited about seeing Room 15 students in person again. Thank you for being patient as we put plans in place to ensure your child can return to school safely.  Also, thank you to all the parents who have been in touch to confirm their child's attendance. If you haven't done so, can you please let me know by Monday? Email:

Sadly, our last swimming lessons had to be cancelled. All assemblies, events and trips in Term 4 have also been cancelled. Here's hoping we can move on from 2021 and look forward to a brighter 2022.

It has been another busy week of Distance Learning with lots of work shared. I am looking forward to hearing speeches at school next week. Stars of the Week were Wil, Viral and Farhaan. Well done boys! See me next week for your prizes. You can see some of their work below.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Henderson.

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Friday, November 5th

Hi all,

It has been a week of celebrations with Diwali and now Guy Fawkes tonight. Make sure you take care if letting fireworks off with your children. Students of Room 15 have had lots of fun this week with Diwali activities in their Distance Learning as well as in the bubbles at school.

We are hoping to get more clarity from the government on Monday about school returning and how it will look. One idea is that students have staggered days at school and Distance Learning will continue when they're at home.

Stars of the Week are Wil, Aleena, Farhaan, Viral and Harsh - you can see some of their work below.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Henderson.