Thursday, 28 October 2021

Friday, October 29th

Hi all,

The highlight of this week would have to be the government's announcement that Year 1-8 students can tentatively return to school on November 15th. This lockdown has been very challenging for everyone and it will be great to put it behind us - albeit with restrictions.

Well done Wil, Viral and Sahar for completing your speech and sharing with me. I look forward to receiving others and hearing them when we go back to school.

There has been lots of other good work shared with me this week and we had fun on our zoom sessions. I even had a lesson in being clear with my instructions - I told a student to "open another window" on his computer then he promptly stood up, walked across the room and opened the window. 

Stars of the week are Wil, Aleena, Prisha and Farhaan - I have shared some of their work below. I particularly liked Wil's photo montage of him being responsible and tidying his bedroom. Well done Wil!

Have a great weekend and I'll see you on Monday.

Mr Henderson.


  1. Wow great work room 15 all children are so hard working and doing learning and fun with Mr Henderson. Thanks

  2. Ka pai Room 15! I like the sharing you have done about your Science Weather investigations and the pin hole camera Did you have fun making the pin hole camera? I made one like this when I was a Year 4. Tino pai.

  3. Good cleaning did you show your mum?

    From Viral Patel
